Friday, July 15, 2022

How Can You Enjoy a Job



A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

--- Laozi


Most people retire from the job market, some become employers after work for some time. There is no right or wrong choice, it is the result of one’s personality and the opportunity of business.


Like or dislike

People often get annoyed when what they are doing is not what they like to do. When looking for a job, the first step is to decide what kind of job to take up, this is the period when you can determine your choices based on your likes or dislikes.

After you have decided to take up a job, it is your responsibility to do it well – whether or not you like or dislike the job no longer matters.

Note that your likes and dislikes may change without you realizing it. It does not take one moment for friends to become enemies – it is the result of a string of events that eventually leads to this change in a relationship.  When you work in a company, if you work hard and get recognition from your colleagues and your boss, you will feel good and may start to like the job more.

Once you have joined a company, put your heart and soul into it during the contracted period, either throughout probation or after confirmation. By doing so, you will learn the most from your job and make your time worthwhile. Your boss will notice your commitment to work, and a good impression will be left on him (or her).


Understand the hiring process

We have discussed where you may look for a job, but we also need to understand the hiring process. In general:

1.    The business department gives the required details to the human resource department (HR)

2.    HR publishes the advertisement

3.    You see the advertisement and submit your resume to HR

4.    HR shortlists the resumes

5.    HR contacts you for an interview if you are shortlisted

6.    HR and the business department interview you

7.    Contract is signed if all parties reach an agreement

From this, you can see how HR plays the most important role because it is involved in all the steps. For you, first, you need to pass HR’s filtering procedure.

There is a lot of valuable information online you can find on how to create your resume, here I will not repeat it. The key point is that HR may not necessarily know the actual technology or business requirements but they have the right to discard your resume. When you create your resume, do it from the viewpoint of HR first, so that you can get the opportunity to be interviewed by the business department with whom you will work.


Know your limitations

Psychological studies show that most people tend to overestimate their capabilities. For example, 90% of the crowd think they are cleverer than others. In the stock market, only 10% of the investors make money, 70% of them make losses, 20% of them break even without considering the time and effort they have put in. 

When you are working, remind yourself to look for opportunities in your current situation. Do not look down at the current job and your colleagues. Your capability is highly likely to be the same as others, so what you can do is work harder, learn more, and seek to move to a higher level.

Remember, your career phase is the same as the learning phase such that you have to upgrade yourself. Imagine in your learning phase, you always stay at primary 3, after many years, your knowledge will remain at the same level.


Understand your emotional quotient

Animals are not typically aggressive and their actions could have been triggered by their perception of threat. On 30 November 2021, a man was doing his morning walk at the Singapore Botanic Garden when he encountered a bevy of about 20 otters. Unfortunately, he was mistaken for a runner who had passed by the otters and may have accidentally hit one of the otters. He was attacked and suffered more than 20 wounds, with some requiring stitches. Luckily, his friend “screamed and shouted at the animals, who stopped their actions momentarily. The duo ran towards a nearby visitor center with the otters giving chase for a short distance.”


This is the real world. Human beings could be attacked innocently by animals with lower emotional intelligence. Think of the work environment - some people with a straight temper may be easily irritated, and some introverted staff may burst out suddenly. Think of a gathering among friends, the harmonious ambiance may suddenly be broken because someone mentions something unpleasant. In most cases, losing one’s temper does not make the situation better. In general, containing your negative feelings in the working environment is helpful to your career.

There is a lot of information you can find online about emotional intelligence, about how to train yourself in self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship management. The following picture about otters tells you the key points to maintaining a good relationship with others.



Know your colleagues

 You may meet many different kinds of colleagues, here are 4 categories you may classify them into: 

A.   Active working with high efficiency

B.   Active working with low efficiency

C.   Passive working with high efficiency

D.   Passive working with low efficiency

Active and passive reflects the attitude, and efficiency reflects the skills. You need to find out your category for this job. If you find you are A and B, there is a high chance you are doing a job in your favourite area. If you are C and D, you probably need to consider changing jobs after some time if you still cannot switch to A and B.

Knowing your colleagues’ types may help you determine the way to best work with them. Minimize your time spent with D, tell C what to do, help B to improve his or her skills, cooperate with A. Remember, people’s categories may change over time as well.


Office politics

You may also know office politics. Yes, that’s also part of the real world. A company is a small society of the outside world. In every country, there is a government; in every government, there are people who play politics.

We often hear about dirty politics. However, not all politics are bad. A system with positive politics does good to the society, motivates people to behave well, and increases the efficiency of accomplishing the goals of the society.

Office politics is unavoidable, it is part of the company’s culture. But in most cases, it is an art of socializing and managing relationships. If you cannot handle it in one company, everything you try to do is out of tune, then you have to make a decision, change yourself or change the boss. If you do not realize your weakness or shortcomings, changing the boss will not solve the problem.


Set a goal for your job

A boat without a destination can never reach the shore. Working is progress that needs a goal to achieve. Without a goal, your life may look busy but in the end, you would not feel the sense of accomplishment – you will not feel satisfied. 

You need to set a goal for the job you will take up. The goal you set should have a deadline, which can be a 6-month goal, 1-year goal, or 5-year goal. Longer-term goals are not necessary because, in this ever-changing world, we are unable to predict the future after 5 years.

After the deadline, be sure to review and define the goal for the next period.

If you have not set a goal, do it now. It is never too late.


Be a happy person

When you are in a good mood, perhaps you are talking to your favorite person, time flies; if you are talking with a boring person, just one minute is too long. This is the layman’s explanation of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. If you enjoy doing something, hard work will become less of a burden, because you will concentrate on it and do it well.

Feelings are mysterious. Something you disliked at first may be your favorite after some time. Smile when you are working, it will make you feel better.

Of course, you cannot pretend to be happy. You have to have accepted the current situation, yourself, and the external environment, and you need to have made a goal. Only then will you feel free and at peace to accomplish the goal.

We know we have a 40-years career phase in general. Don’t waste time – it will never come back again. You have a dream, stick to the dream, find a job, and absorb new knowledge from the job while contributing to the company. Every job you do, there should be a target for that job, after you learn enough from that, you realize the target, then you may restart the process of the next job cycle.

This is the life that is under our control, a life with a goal.

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