Man proposes, God disposes.
--- Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong
With this, we come to the end of
this series. We started with a general definition, understanding the job as a
task. A task is to accomplish a goal. So the first thing is to set a goal, then
accomplish it.
For every person, and even every
animal, to survive in this world is the first and final goal.
After centuries of evolution,
human society has developed a system of structural hierarchy: governments,
institutions, companies, international laws, rules… We are living under such a
system, our life becomes structural: starting with a learning phase, then a
career phase, and ending in a retirement phase.
Every phase has its different
goals. In the learning phase, the goal is to learn basic skills and knowledge;
in the career phase, the goal is to make money; in the retirement phase, the
goal is to end our life gracefully. A goal in the previous phase is the basis
of the next phase.
With the goals built in mind,
people make the efforts to fulfill the goals and like cogs in a system, human
society moves forward. Life is a journey of fulfillment of tasks. Enjoy life on
this journey.
Every one of us is part of the
torrent of the times. The fortunate or the unfortunate, the lucky or the
unlucky, everything depends on ourselves, depends on how we behave ourselves
and how we interact with each other.
This is the end of this series, but
it may be a new start for you to thrive in the job market. If there is any
sentence that ignites within you a new idea, don’t ignore the idea.
Do your retrospective study, and
make your version of 5W1H of something, you will live a more exciting life!
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